Fandom 101: What is a fandom anyway??

Fandom - n: a group of people who enjoy an entertaining thing; they may make theories, stories, and art of said thing.

People in a fandom may gather in any of a number of places: conventions, games, theaters, stores, concert halls. Basically any large venue may possibly hold a fandom gathering. Some will even make great pilgrimages in order to reach these places.

The interesting thing is that anything can be a fandom. Books, shows, movies, games, teams, performers, etc. There are fandoms of fan generated content such as art and stories. There are even fandoms for non famous original content. Don't believe that? Just search The Knitter. There is even a joke fandom created for 'that one blade of grass in my front yard.'

An interesting observation is that fandom can create a feeling of unity. A feeling of family. Members of a fandom will even give themselves a name to solidify this unity. Certain symbols will be chosen to represent the group. They are then worn by members for the purpose of recognition. The symbols are sometimes turned into collectible items that fandom members will use to adorn their abode.

This is only the beginning of our weird, wonderful dive into the world of fandom!


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